lokmanlam on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/lokmanlam/art/Kingdom-Death-GreatGame-Hunter-259120174lokmanlam

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lokmanlam's avatar

Kingdom Death-GreatGame Hunter



Great Game Hunters are a character class for Kingdom Death. They come from the largest standing human city. Great Game Hunters venture beyond the safety of the city gates to win fame and fortune on behalf of the bickering noble houses that control the city. Rich with finery and honed weapons, they confidently stride into the unknown, often never to return.
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443x887px 152.24 KB
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Kerevon's avatar
So... why is Peegee a hunter now?

And don't tell me it ain't Peegee.  She's got the right hair, the right outfit, and she's also the only person who can lift a crossbow that size without any visible musculature.